XCOM 2 game cheats


Weapon upgrade accessories

Additem AimUpgrade_bsc # sight hit +5%

Additem AimUpgrade_adv # Advanced sight hit +10%

Additem AimUpgrade_sup # Ultimate sight hit +15%

Additem ClipSizeUpgrade_bsc # extension clip size +1

Additem ClipSizeUpgrade_adv # Advanced extended magazine, ammo volume +2

Additem ClipSizeUpgrade_sup # Ultimate expansion magazine, ammo volume +3

Additem CritUpgrade_bsc # Laser sight Crit +5%

Additem CritUpgrade_adv # Advanced laser sight Crit +10%

Additem CritUpgrade_sup # Ultimate laser sight Crit +15%

Additem FreeFireUpgrade_bsc # Low force trigger 5% chance of not consuming action points when shooting

Additem FreeFireUpgrade_adv # Advanced Micro Trigger, 10% chance of not consuming action points when shooting

Additem FreeFireUpgrade_sup # Ultimate Micro Trigger 15% chance of not consuming action points when shooting

Additem FreeKillUpgrade_bsc # Repeater: When hitting the target, there is a 5% chance that one blow will be fatal, regardless of HP

Additem FreeKillUpgrade_adv # Advanced repeater has a 10% chance of hitting the target with a fatal blow, regardless of HP

Additem FreeKillUpgrade_sup # Ultimate repeater 15% chance of being fatal in one hit when hitting the target, regardless of HP

Additem MissDamageUpgrade_bsc # The butt butt misses the shot can still cause 1 damage

Additem MissDamageUpgrade_adv # Advanced butt butt miss shot can still cause 2 points of damage

Additem MissDamageUpgrade_sup # The ultimate buttstock can still cause 3 damage if missed shot

Additem ReloadUpgrade_bsc # Autoloader: No action points are required for 1 reload in the mission

Additem ReloadUpgrade_adv # Advanced autoloader. No action points are required for 2 reloads in the mission

Additem ReloadUpgrade_sup # Ultimate autoloader. No action points are required for 3 reloads in the mission

Additem CommonPCSSpeed ​​# maneuver

Additem RarePCSSpeed ​​#

Additem EpicPCSSpeed ​​#

Additem CommonPCSConditioning # Health

Additem RarePCSConditioning #

Additem EpicPCSConditioning #

Additem CommonPCSFocus # Willpower

Additem RarePCSFocus #

Additem EpicPCSFocus #

Additem CommonPCSPerception # Aiming

Additem RarePCSPerception #

Additem EpicPCSPerception #

Additem CommonPCSAgility # Dodge

Additem RarePCSAgility #

Additem EpicPCSAgility #


Additem NanofiberVest #

Additem PlatedVest # Plating vest

Additem HazmatVest # Biochemical protection vest

Additem StasisVest # Stasis Vest

Additem LightPlatedArmor # Spider armor

Additem HeavyPlatedArmor # E.X.O Armor

Additem LightPoweredArmor #phantom armor

Additem HeavyPoweredArmor # W.A.R armor

other kind

PowerUp invincible mode, no injuries. The weapon does not need to be loaded with bullets

WhoseTurnIsItAnyway infinitely move, this code needs to be entered before moving the unit otherwise it is invalid

LevelUpBarracks # Upgrade all soldiers in the barracks…#How many levels to upgrade

RemoveFortressDoom DoomToRemove # Reset the doomsday progress #The progress of the plan to remove a few avatars

HealAllSoldiers is used while on the ship, heal all your soldiers

TATC Send Send all team members to the position of your mouse pointer, don’t point them off the screen

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