Star Wars Galaxies Cheats

Star Wars Galaxies Cheats

Star Wars Galaxies Cheats

Upgrade Character
Go the the Mos Eisley Cantina and find an entertainer (people playing instrument), watch them by pressing the tilde key (~) and you type “/t[name of entertainer]strength/constitution/luck/stamina/precision/agility/extra exp/”.

Tell Command
You can communicate with anyone in the game directly, no matter how far apart you are from them by typing “/tell [name] [text]”. Note: The [name] part of the command does not have to be their complete name. You can use their first name or part of it. This is also useful in determining if someone not on your friends list is logged on. Use “/tell” and the game will let you know if they are not logged in.

Yelling And Shouting
Type either “/yell” or “/shout” before what you want to say. It will be yelled or shouted, and can be heard by more people in the chat window (people that are farther away).

Thought Bubble
To make yourself think instead of talk, type “/think [text]”. Your text will appear as a thought bubble instead of speech bubble.

144 Hotkeys
The bar at the top is for your funciton keys. You can drag it open so you have 24 boxes instead of one. And whether you have 12 or 24 showing, you have six rows of these, which you can scroll through by pressing [Ctrl] + [Tab]. If you have multiple skill, set the special moves of each separate profession on its own bar. For example, if you have four professions, this will leave you with an extra two for the socials/emotes/macros.

Restore HAM Levels For Zabraks
The following tricks may only work for Zabraks, but can be attempted for other species. If one or two of your bars are low (in the white, not black), while sitting, and not in a chair, type “/equilibrium”. The game will even out all three of your HAM bars the best it can. Try typing “/vitalize” to boost your adrenaline, giving you an extra 50 in both health and action, and makes all your attributes and skills perform better temporarily. Note: Innate abilities can only be done once per hour.

Extra Wilderness Survival Experience
Note: This trick works better when there is a high amount of lag in the game. If you are in camp, constantly leave and immediately return. If done quickly enough, when you check your camp status you will notice that current visitor displays more than one. If not done quickly enough, it still will increase the number of visitors, but not current visitors, and this does nothing to effect experience. However, if you do succeed in getting the current visitors to more than one, you will get extra experience for Wilderness Survival. The amount continues to grow the more current visitors you have.

Better Medical Experience
Learn Organic Chemstry II so you are able to make Stim Packs B. Then, find a very large group of like ten to twenty and fight extremely difficult units. Use your Stimpacks to gain 100 to 200 experience just from one use. Make sure you look at the group’s members health to learn when someone needs healing and use hotkeys.

Unlock Force Sensitive Character Slot
You must acquire the badges for two theme parks like Nym’s or Jabba’s. You must get 5 dangerous POI badges like Tusken Fort, or Force Crystal Cave. You must also have 45 regular POI badges. Then you must wait 1-3 days (real time) then wait outside of a city for 15-30 minutes now that your inner glow has begun you may begin your journey when the old man speaks to you. (ask some one to be in your group, so it would be quicker to get them) to ask some one in the group press the “~” key over the person and “invite”.

Mucho Experience Points In Space
Mastering the Pilot professions can take quite a lot of time. The first four skill boxes that you must learn require 60, 000 points of experience (aka exp). The next four require around 150, 000 exp. After that, 250, 000 exp. The fourth boxes (remember that you need to get four of these level four boxes) cost 400, 000+ exp, and the Master box (Ace Pilot) requires a staggering 1 million xp!
A very time effective way to get this exp fast is to, once you have reached the second level boxes, make a jump into the Dathomir sector, Emperor’s Hand. From there, go to the Space Station and speak to the operative there from your starship’s communication system. To do that target the station and press the “ ” key.
You will have the option of going into Kessel Space, and if you choose to, you will find yourself in the middle of, or on the verge of a Rebel versus Imperial dogfight. Engage your opposing faction or, if you are neutral, engage rebel fighters. Unless you are a very experienced pilot and are quite confident in your abilities, it is a good idea to be EXTREMELY careful to only engage one fighter at a time, as they are very difficult adversaries. Good luck. I hope to see plenty more pilots up there soon!

Get A House
If you want a house here is the way to get one! First, go to a Bazzar Terminal and buy a deed to a house but make sure it goes on the planet your on. Second, choose where it’s gonna be. Third, fill it up with as much junk you want. Make sure you have enough credits for it all though!

Extra Money
Take two delivery missions at the same time that both will end up in the same city (check destination coordinates). Make sure both missions pay at least 500 credits. Then purchase a one way ticket to that city for around 115 credits. You will end up with around 900 credits from two deliveries that really are like one delivery. When in that city, find another mission terminal, and repeat.


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