Invisible, Inc. Game Modification Cheats

Invisible Inc. Game Modification Cheats

Invisible, Inc. Game Modification Cheats
Game save modification:
First, find your game archive file (of course, you have to advance the game archive once in advance)

Prepare an UltraEdit, or open it directly with txt, of course, don’t forget to back up the archive file yourself

Entering the topic, this game has 4 saves, but they all exist in the same file, and all saves share one XP

Search table [“xp”] = The equal sign is experience. In fact, this is mainly to unlock the Ph.D., double-haired girl and initial hacker skills.

Search table [“hours”] = Use your current game time to locate the archive Days * 24 + fraction, rounded

Take a screenshot below for explanation

table [“agency”] = objects [0x000000B5]

table [“hours”] = 73 This is the game time. The lower the chart, the higher the chance of showing a low star. In the early stage, it still needs to be brushed a few times, otherwise it will be difficult to face the 4-star difficulty

table [“difficultyOptions”] = objects [0x00000124]

table [“build_number”] = [==[r122459]==]

table = objects [0x000000A4] Levels that have been opened but not passed

table [1] = objects [0x000000A5]

table [2] = objects [0x000000A6]

table [3] = objects [0x000000A7]

table [4] = objects [0x000000A8]

table = objects [0x000000A5]

table [“difficulty”] = 4 level difficulty 4 shields

table [“name”] = [==[initial_escape]==]

table [“finalMap”] = false

table [“locationName”] = [==[ftm_vault]==] level type translation is the secret library

table [“hidden”] = false

table [“mapLocation”] = 3 The location of the map, as long as it does not overlap with the one below, you can change it

The order of the last paragraph may change, but the overall change is not big. For example, ko_server is a server group and ftm_ceooffice is a copy of the key card.

Then the following is the modification of the character:

Usually after table [“cash”]

table [“cash”] = 995 money

table = objects [0x000000B6] opened characters

table [1] = objects [0x000000B7]

table [2] = objects [0x000000CC]

table [3] = objects [0x000000E1]

table [4] = objects [0x000000FF]

table = objects [0x000000B7]

table [“similar”] = [==[engineer_2]==] original character

table [“template”] = [==[engineer_2]==] Character type This is an international girl

table [“upgrades”] = objects [0x000000B8]

table [“id”] = 4

table [“skills”] = objects [0x000000C7] skills. The next few lines correspond to table = objects [0x000000C7] are skills

table [“deployID”] = 1

table = objects [0x000000B8] The inventory bar and the slot bar seem to be together

table [1] = objects [0x000000B9] each one has a corresponding line in the next few lines

table [2] = objects [0x000000BC]

table [3] = objects [0x000000BF]

table [4] = objects [0x000000C0]

table [5] = objects [0x000000C1]

table [6] = objects [0x000000C4]

table [7] = objects [0x000000C5]

table [8] = objects [0x000000C6]

Following the above modification, you can modify all the characters, skills, time and other aspects in the game

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